The Story Behind It

How You Can Transform Your Life For Good, By Asking The Right Questions

The Warriors Body Teacher
Rico van Huizen - Founder & Teacher

My name is Rico van Huizen

Welcome to this page, I am glad you are interested in what we do and make the world a little bit better. My name is Rico van Huizen and I'd like to share my life story and the birth of The Warriors Body.

Before we start, there’s one thing I want you to bear in mind: I’m on a mission to reform the current way people try to live a healthier life. Everything in my own life governs around this principle. You’re about to find out why…

Early in Life

My story starts in a town in the Netherlands called ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Here I was born and have been there till my 5th birthday when dramatic events happened. During these dramatic events I eventually saw both of the most important persons in my life taking leadership in that moment. It were my mom and dad. 

The way they handled the situation at hand was more than phenomenal, but it learned me a hard lesson: The world ain’t all sunshines and rainbows, but whenever times are calling for strength and power you need to have it. Not only for yourself, but for the protection of your family.  

This insight stayed with me forever since. I wanted to be in a position where I was strong in order to handle these situations in life, so I started to practice Taekwondo. I became very good at it and my self-confidence was getting a boost. Also I had my icons who I followed, Bruce Lee was one of them. Being strong became a way of living for me, but really didn’t know yet with what further purpose it should serve.  

Practicing sports early in life was teaching me discipline and dealing with hardships. Eventually at the age of 11 I managed to get my black belt. The main purpose of being strong for myself was already fulfilled.  Looking back at the first realization I had during the dramatic events, the motivation I was getting from it was extremely high. These realizations were the start of realizing that whatever a person wants, it should have a strong why. So, I kept asking the question: Now that I have served my basic need to become strong for myself, what else is?

The Start Of A Journey, That Was Never Meant To Stop


During the age between 11-15 I was sometimes going with my dad to the gym, while he was working out with buddies. I just started to play around with weights and afterwards drank a shake with them. I remember my mom was a talented draftswoman with whom I spend a lot of time drawing figures from Dragonball Z. One day she was going to draw a man with huge arms and chest and so I asked my mother who this person was. It was Arnold Schwarzenegger. It never really stood still to me Arnold (from the Terminator) was actually a so called Bodybuilder in his prior years. But it fascinated me how it looked. It was kind of a resemblance of the figures I was drawing like Goku. The veins, the bulging musculature, but than in real life. It was magical. 

Although, I was looking already at a lot of hero movie actors like: Sylvester Stallone (Rocky), Jean-Claude van Damme, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Lee being my favorites. My dad showed me an old movie from Arnold Schwarzenegger called: Pumping Iron. This was the mental start of a journey that was never meant to be stopped. There was one main theme all among them: Being strong. It was like everything I looked at, drew or read from had something to do with strength.  But still I didn’t make sense to me why I should still be strong in the future with having achieved the black belt already. Why was it that I was still desiring to be strong? Was it an obsession? Was it maybe a constant cue for possibly past event traumas? I had no clear answer yet. 

I Quite All Sports, But Then..

Till the age of 15 I was doing multiple sport at the same time. I had already quit with Taekwondo, because it didn’t served my purpose anymore which was already achieved. So, at that point I was combining soccer and kickboxing. But turning 15 years of age I quit all the sports activities for 6 months. I just didn’t want to do anything. After these 6 months I was feeling very lazy, it didn’t feel right to slack off my body in such a manner. So, with all the previous impulses I received from my movie heroes, me joining my dad in the gym and being fascinated with the amount of muscle Arnold showed in the drawings of my mother, it was about time to get into a new endeavor. 

And so I joined the health club. First training in and it was like an experience that I will never forget. Even though I was already athletic and had veins because of my low body fat from all the sport activities I had done before, this experience with iron was kind of crazy. Veins were popping out, my polo-shirt was filled up and it felt like I was growing like Goku did in his first transition into a super saiyen. Finally, I had a goal again to not only be strong in self-defense capabilities, but also have the look of it. Even though I was doing a very good job at this for couple of months, the remaining question still was: Does feeling and looking muscular, serve any purpose at all in actually being strong? 

This Changed Everything For Me and My Approach.

Tom Hafey in his late 70's

A couple months later I had done something stupid, which resulted into a community service  for 3 weeks in nursing homes for the elderly. The very first moment I entered the nursing home to do my service it was one of the most important moments in my entire life and will forever be. When I was sitting down with these people, preparing meals for them, a striking observation came to me. I was wrong for thinking that nursing homes were only for the elderly past their 70’s. There were people sitting with the age of 50 that couldn’t take care of themselves and were actually getting close to their end of their life, just like the 70+ year people did. This realization was a total shock to me and in a split-second my view of health and being strong meant more than I ever could’ve imagined. I started thinking deeply and even rethinking the whole journey I just started in fitness. 

At the age that I had, I already knew that I wanted to have children. But when I was thinking of my future, this view I just observed about how these young and older people were dying in misery wasn’t fitting in that picture. I imagined to be a strong father, a strong grandpa that still could play soccer with his grandchildren. I wasn’t willing to accept the fact that I had to watch my children and grandchildren play with me sitting in a chair, unable to take care of myself.

I asked myself the question: What if you end up like this? What if I couldn’t have playtime with my grandchildren when they are visiting me? What if I wasn’t able to protect my own children when they need my help, like my own father did back then? You see, this was such a shocking experience in my mind alone that it totally shifted my view of being strong and why entering the gym was absolutely a no-brainer. So, my obsession with being strong was even more heightened than ever before. It was in fact the answer to my long-asked question. 

The Lifetime Journey Started, But Something Was Missing..

From that point I was hooked. Up until today which is 15 years already, I have been working on that never ending goal. A goal that never fades and is many years away from now (2060 is when I get into the 70’s). But because the epiphany I had from all the previous experiences, it takes me zero effort to chase those goals. What caused it? Asking the right questions to myself with the harsh reality I had to face at that particular moment. During these 15 years in my lifetime health and fitness journey, I have competed many times with holding titles like: European Champion and 3rd of the World in Natural Bodybuilding (drug-free) for which I made the documentary on Youtube: I Am Natural Bodybuilder (click here to see it).  Although I love to compete, it never was the main purpose. It was always to be strong and muscular and to maintain as much as possible when getting older in the first place. 

Also, in the meantime I have worked with the best Natural Bodybuilding coaches in the world, which I am grateful for because they have led me the way into science-based nutrition and training.  And what I was about to learn from all the best coaches and scientists was mind-boggling.  

Rico van Huizen Champion

After 9 years of consuming straight chicken and rice plates, I was finally introduced to the proper way of doing things. I was allowed to eat pretty much anything I wanted to eat within certain guidelines. It was the time I was being coached by the best of natural bodybuilding in the world. So, I started to get interested in learning the things and who to search for in the field of information. Strange thing was that the people who really mattered weren’t famous in the fitness media, in fact I didn’t know anyone of them. So, this is where my journey really started after 9 years of doing the wrong things. The more information eager I became, the more I was starting to learn and follow seminars from these scientists. The one realization I had was: health and fitness are not that complicated to understand at all. Living a healthy life forever, wasn’t that hard at all. Yet still, millions and millions of people just don’t seem to understand it. Then I saw the issues why… 

The Co-Journey of A Coach and The Pitfalls of Health and Fitness

Coach Rico van Huizen

After my many years of training, I finally encountered real information. For someone who’s focused on natural progression, the need for information to further progress is a must.  After studying all the intricacies of training and nutrition from the right scientist sources, I was able to start my coaching company Royal Bodies. With this new added endeavor I was able to practice what I learned at an instant. I have coached multiple champions in natural bodybuilding, but also people who want to go from Fat to Fit. Up until this day I am baffled with he amount of people struggling with the same thing as I did: Information Overload. 

The welcoming of the internet during the past years have made it possible for me to learn all of the things needed to progress over a lifetime. Although this internet thing opened good doors it was also opening a door for even more bad information. Mix in good marketing and advertising and you are doomed to believe it all. It’s exceptionally hard to find good information anymore, because it’s so readily available. No wonder why we are struggling with maintaining or even start with a health journey. We also have never learned it anyway on elementary or high school. So, we actually have no clue where to actually start, which in my opinion is one of the most craziest things ever experienced.

After having coached hundreds of people world wide, their first encounter with real information coaching or what is called evidence-based coaching was an eye opening experience. More often than not it was counterintuitive for them, because they have consumed loads of wrong information. But after explaining the things behind, they could finally see with a clear view. As though they’ve put glasses on when having dealt a life with bad eye-vision. The coaching projects ended for them as a learning experience, a way for them to think in the future in furthering their intends in living a healthy life forever. As a result, they were able to proceed on their own without my help, which was my priority in the first place. To set them free from me, so that they know how to manage their health by their own. At the end you are the only person who feels what is going on from the inside, no practitioner, coach, personal trainer or even a doctor can’t tell you more than yourself. 

The Start of My Vision.

As my coaching business started to grow and more clients were coming in, there was this utterly thing bothering me. The question I asked myself: Why is it so hard for people still to start their health and fitness journey? The reason was simple and very clear. Health and fitness have become a market of $60,9 billion in the USA alone, not a way of living. As a result of it, people get bombarded with marketing messages like: This product will cause you to burn 10lbs of fat within 2 weeks or buy this product and boost your muscle building capabilities. People fall for this, as I have done in the first 9 years of practicing this endeavor. The magic pill and the fast lane is more important nowadays, but it misses something crucial: Doing the work! Nothing in life comes for free, so work and action is creating movement and therefore momentum. Without it, you are always doomed too buy next years new magic pill.  

Besides pills, powders and misinformation, there was also another huge problem. I have had more than 3120 workouts in my 15 years of training, so I have seen it with my own eyes. It’s the problem of practitioners like personal trainers, online coaches, diet experts and so on. Why?

The Warriors Body Student

The business of health and fitness keeps the wallet full. Which means that practitioners would like to keep you in their obscure subscriptions, it was never meant to set your free and to do things on your own. They are not teaching you anything, because they want to keep it for themselves so that you can buy another 12 week program with them. No, this is not a rant of practitioners (it somewhat is) because there are very good ones. But the majority of them are experts in JOB PROTECTION. So, money was the big motivator here, helping you to be able to manage your own health never was. So where do people end up with? 

Eventually, up to a point people start to look at the buffed guys in the gym or influencers on instagram thinking: They must know something. So, they end up being coached by these people who’s results are more often than not based on heavy steroid usage. So, was it knowledge that helped them or the pharmacies? You guessed it right, pharmacies. The next thing what happens is that the buffed coach doesn’t know what to do with nutrition or training when things stagnate. The result: Trying to get you taking some stuff that “doesn’t harm you”.  I shit you not. This eventually turns into a never ending loop throughout ones life and no wonder why people spend on average $112.000,- over a lifetime on their health and fitness. There was a huge problem to be solved..

Reformation of Health and Fitness Education

I am Natural Bodybuilder - World Map

The problem was not only locally prevalent, but world wide. And since the gap between people who want to start with their healthy life and hardcore bodybuilders is too large, therefore the flow of information pass each other is significant. It’s for a reason bodybuilders are so successful in dieting, so both worlds need to merge and work together to solve this problem without the drugs involved. Something had to be done, because for decades we are facing a huge downwards spiral in the overall health in human beings. Elderly become more prone to bone fractures and muscle loss. The reformation of how things are done needs to be fulfilled, clarity and simplicity is what is called for in order to change the way we approach health and fitness world wide. 

It doesn’t matter if you want to maximize your health for the years to come or to enter the most elite natural bodybuilding stages. We are aiming for the same overall goal: Being Strong and Healthy for Longevity! 

Since I have been making videos on Youtube, it indirectly changed dozens of lives in the world without me knowing it until people started to send very personal messages to me. These messages were heart warming and emotional to me, because I was doing something good. At least so it felt for me. These were the sparks for me to do something back for the world, to reform the way of what I call: Health education. Research is having my back in this, since recent research indicates that higher Fat Free Mass Index (More Muscle, Less Fat) has an inverse relationship with mortality.  It is also know that the older we get at some point we are all have to deal with sarcopenia (muscle loss during aging). Hence the reason why, the only way to help the world is to combine both worlds of health and fitness in order to live a life with full potential. So, the vision paired with my intentions was the start of this project. A project that would teach people the health benefits , without the need of shady practitioners. Health must be learned for it to be effective over a lifespan, it can’t be outsourced.  

The Company - The Warriors Body

After years of gathering information and putting it into a format was the start of the company during the nCoV-19 pandemic in 2020: The Warriors Body. It was the amalgamation of 15 years of applying knowledge to my own training and nutrition, dozens of seminars, endless amount of reading and hundreds of people coached. 

The Warriors Body operates with one mission in mind: to bring the world the best online training and nutrition education program the world has even seen. But it doesn’t stop here. Because we are in the business of giving back to people what they earn, I also made a commitment to give 5-10%  of our annual profits to help underdeveloped countries in aiding  in their nutritional health via amino acid supplementation. These countries undergo malnutrition with important amino acids to be missed in the diet. So, we want to send batches of these important amino acids to these countries for improving their health as well. 

The warriors body logo

The Start By Taking The First Step

It’s been an amazing journey already with BIG goals, but I’ve only just started. The Warriors Body will be a new epitome of health education world wide, and there’s one person I want to grow with it. 


Ask yourself the right questions at all times, it can change your life forever.

It all starts here:

Thank you for reading through this story of The Warriors Body and a warm welcome into our community.

Rico van Huizen

Meet Our Lead Instructors

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Jack Lee

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Zoya Hank

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From Dallas, USA
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Zasha Swan
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Frank Jones
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Jack Brownn
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